Understand viscosity and its impact on pump performance,
Convert water-based pump performance curves to viscous fluid-based pump performance curves and vice-versa,
Calculate the system head curves for a viscous fluid,
Select a suitable pumping system for handling viscous fluid – pump, motor, coupling, sealing system,
Convert NPSHR curve on water to a viscous fluid curve,
Test a pump for a viscous fluid.
Process design and process engineering,
Selection of pumps and pumping systems,
Inspection and testing of pumps, Quality Assurance and approvals,
Operations and maintenance,
Troubleshooting and root cause analysis,
Plant and equipment reliability and asset management.
Quantify the impact of viscosity on the pump performance,
Convert water-based pump performance curves to viscous fluid-based pump performance curves and vice-versa,
Calculate the system head curves for a viscous fluid,
Select a suitable pumping system for handling viscous fluid – pump, motor, coupling, sealing system,
Convert NPSHR curve on water to a viscous fluid curve,
Conduct root cause analysis pertaining to problems with pumping of viscous fluids.
Laptops or calculators will help in solving the exercises given in this course
Copy of the latest standard ANSI/HI 9.6.7
1: Viscosity and viscous fluids
Understand viscosity and its terminology,
Difference between dynamic and kinematic viscosity,
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids,
Effect of temperature on viscosity,
Learn how viscosity is measured ,
Learn units of viscosity in Metric and English systems.
Exercise: Quiz Lecture 1
2: Pumps for viscous fluids
Positive displacement pumps versus rotodynamic pumps for viscous fluids,
Special features of rotodynamic pumps for viscous fluids,
Main considerations and selection options for a pump type for a given viscous fluids.
Exercise: Lecture 2
3: Effects of Viscosity on Pump performance
When to use correction factors when handling viscous fluids,
Calculate the correction factors for head, capacity and efficiency when converting the pump performance on water to a viscous fluid of a given density and viscosity.
Exercise: worked example Lecture 3
4: Pump selection for viscous fluid
Pump selection for a given head and flow rate for a viscous fluid.
5: System Head Curve for viscous fluids
Determine the effect of viscosity on flow losses,
Calculate the system head curve based on water and the viscous fluid,
Determine the shift in the operating point due to the combined effect of variation in pump performance and system head curve.
Exercise: Lecture 5 (head loss in piping)
6: Seals and sealing systems
The challenges in sealing viscous fluids,
Introduction to mechanical seal system fundamentals,
Suitable mechanical seal systems for viscous fluids.
7: NPSH measurements and calculations
Learning objectives:
Understand the effect of viscosity on the NPSHA,
Understand the effect of viscosity on NPSHR,
How to calculate the NPSH correction factor.
Exercise – Lecture 7 : Net Positive Suction Head
8: Testing of pumps with viscous fluids
Know when testing with viscous fluids is important,
Learn the procedure for testing of pumps with viscous fluids,
Appreciate the difference in the calculated and actual test results.
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