Each of the three webinar sessions is scheduled to begin @ 12:30pm EST (10:30am MST) for a duration of two hours.
Note: If you register and are unable to attend, access to a recording of the session will be provided. There is a no cancellation policy.
High Performing Organizations separate themselves from others by using effective Strategic Planning. They achieve on their strategic goals and operate at a maximum level when Project Management is aligned with Strategic Planning. This course provides a working knowledge of the Strategic Planning Process that High Performing Organizations use. It also highlights techniques to align Project Management to Strategic Planning while illustrating the benefits of the same. The course concludes with a focused case study on performance management using organizational scorecards.
This course is designed to enable project managers to understand the importance of aligning project management with an organization’s strategic plan(strategy). This alignment supports project managers in achieving maximum value for their customers. Upon completion of this course, participants will also be able to develop scorecards and use them to report to their customers on how effective their projects in supporting an organization to achieve on its Strategic.
Target Audience
Project Managers, New Managers, Engineers, Technologists, IT professionals, Leaders, etc.
After you attend this course/workshop, you will be able to:
- Understand the Strategic Planning Process in High Performing Organizations.
- Understand and use strategies to link Project Management with an Organizations Strategic Plan.
- Understand the benefits of aligning Project Management with an Organizations Strategic Plan and the pitfalls of misalignment
- Elevate Project Management from the “Shop Floor” to the top floor.
- Understand how to Manage Performance using scorecards to measure how effective their project is supporting their customer in achieving on its Strategic Plan.
Material(s) Required
Special Features
This course provides participants with an overview and working knowledge of the Strategic Planning Process used by High Performing Organizations Participants. It uses real-world case studies to exercise strategies to align Project Management to the Strategic Planning Process. Participants will also build scorecards to report on performance while gaining an understanding of the benefits of aligning Strategic Planning and Project Management.
Ron Johnson
Hello Everyone,
My name is Ron Johnson and I will be your course instructor/facilitator. I am currently the Vice President- Information Services/Rural Health and the Chief Information Officer for Eastern Health in St.John's , Newfoundland. I have overall responsibility for Health Information Management, Information Technology, Access/Security/Privacy, Clinical Engineering, Telecommunications, Decision Support, Strategic Planning, Rural Health, Legal Services, Supply Chain Management, Medical Device Reprocessing, Infrastructure Support, Environmental Services, Portering, Food Services, and Capital Equipment Planning and Capital Equipment Budgeting for the entirety of Eastern Health. Previous to this position, I was the Chief Technology Officer at Eastern Health. Prior to that, I was the Director for Materials and Biomedical Equipment Support at Eastern Health and had overall responsibility for Supply Chain Management and Biomedical Engineering. Overall I have over 23 years progressive career experience in Healthcare, managing small, medium and large scaIe projects. I hold a Diploma of Technology from College of the North Atlantic, a Bachelor of Technology from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and a Masters of Employment Relations from Memorial University of Newfoundland. I am also certified in Change Management and hold the professional designations of a Project Management Professional (PMP), and Certified Health Executive(CHE).
I look forward to the facilitating this learning experience.
Recent Accomplishments:
- Designed and implemented a Remote Patient Monitoring project to monitor patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder(COPD) & Congestive Heart Failure(CHF) with the aid of a Canada Health Infoway Grant. To date over 1000 patients have been on the program with evaluation results showing increased self-management, better quality of life while reducing the need for acute care interventions. This project is one of the few in Canada to be moved to sustainability from a pilot project.
- Led a team that redesigned Primary Care Delivery on the Bonavista Peninsula of NL. The redesign included a shift from institutional delivery of primary care to a patient centric approach with healthcare delivered by a multidisciplinary team. The redesign included technology enablers such as EMR, Telehealth, etc that connected patients from the remoteness of NL to specialists in St. John’s, NL. To date, evaluation results are showing reduction in ED visits, increased patient and provider satisfaction while shift from a disease burden model of care to a population health approach.
- Fostered a culture of Innovation at Eastern Health that has engaged front line care givers to work collaboratively with the Chief Information Office, the Department of Health & Community Services, MUN, NLCHI, Local Startups, National & International Vendors resulting in the launch of multiple software solutions that have spurred local job creation while setting the foundation to build a sustainable Medical Technology Sector in the Province of NL.
- Developed and Implemented and leads a Living Lab that acts as test bed from startup’s to Multi-National Firms.
National Committee Memberships:
Canadian Partnership against Cancer (CPAC):
NL provincial representative on National Pan Canadian Electronic Synoptic Surgical Quality Initiative Network Forum.
Global Standards Organization (GS1):
NL provincial representative on National Care Sector board with responsibility for development of Industry Standards for Healthcare ecommerce.
Code Grey: Stained Surgical Instruments and Their Impact on One Canadian Health Authority, Healthcare Quarterly: http://www.longwoods.com/content/25285
This course will be offered through 3 webinars that are 2 hours long.
Webinar 1: (2 Hours): What is Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning Defined
- Prelude to Planning.
- Strategic Planning Considerations
- Why Project Managers don’t plan?
- What Strategic Planning is not?
- Strategic plans that fail & Strategic Plans that succeed.
- Approaches to Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning Steps/Process
- Project Management Linkage to Strategic Plans.
Webinar 2: (2 Hours) How High Performing organizations achieve on their Strategic Goals
Case Study: Aligning Project Management to Strategic Planning:
Topics Covered:
Decision Making Framework
- One size does not fit all.
- Role of the Project Manager in articulating a projects purpose
- Jurisdictional /Environmental Scan
- Organizational buy in.
- Master & Sub Projects.
Project Selection for Strategic Alignment
- Customer expectations
- Resource availability
- Stakeholder engagement
- Change Management
- Project Managers role in project selection.
Project Value Proposition
- Success Defined (Short & Long Term)
- Customer expectations of success
- Communication Plans
- The Value of Performance Management
Webinar 3: (2 Hours): Case Study: Elevating Project Management from the “shop floor” to the “top floor”
- Gaining & Sustaining Competitive Advantage
- Benefits Realization Management by linking business strategy to project management.
- Moving to Project Portfolio Management- Creating Organizational Value
- Engagement of the C Suite.
- Measuring Performance
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