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Course description:
Mr. Neil M. Standen, PEng, BASc, MEng, currently retiring President of Urban Aerodynamics Ltd. Member (2009), Working Group 41, ANSI Standard 12: Guidelines for Developing a Community Noise Ordinance or Regulation; Director, Founding Board of Juno Beach Centre, Normandy, France.
Thirty years as President of Urban Aerodynamics Ltd consultancy; ten years with Morrison Hershfield Ltd (Ottawa); twelve years with Transport Canada, ten as Chief, Aeronautical Environmental Technology Development; six years with Low Speed Aerodynamics Laboratory, National Research Council; three years with Boeing Airplane Company (Seattle, USA).
Noise Consultant to Dept. of National Defense regarding Air Force Bases, NATO Training Range at Goose Bay, Arctic Forward Operating Bases and NATO Noise Programs. Noise Consultant to Canadian Airlines Association, Winnipeg International Airport, Victoria International Airport Vancouver International Airport, Grantley-Adams Airport (Barbados) and many regional airports in Canada. Noise Consultant to Residential development companies (Minto, Richcraft, Domicile and others) in Ottawa.
Publications in Journal of Sound and Vibration; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Journal of Applied Ecology.
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